
I am quickly discovering how tricky it is to write on this blog with any much frequency and at any great length now that Sam is in my life. I have, however, been spending many late nights and pre-dawn hours surfing Pinterest while nursing my little man. I’ve been collecting lots of inspiration for future craft projects when both my hands are free and my brain is slightly less consumed by all things baby. This is how the idea for a new weekly post was born. “Button-spiration” will feature a new button craft each week. Some of them I may have already tried, some may get filed away for “some day”, and many will probably never be attempted. Inspiration is, after all, about being stimulated and getting excited about an idea, even if it doesn’t lead to a finished product. And inspiration is something I could a healthy dose of each day while I continue my recovery.

So here we go, the first of many button loving craft projects to share with you:

Definitely want to make a version of this to hang in the nursery. So colorful and cheery, what’s not to love? I even have an embroidery hoop and fabric all prepped to do this. Just need to pick out my button rainbow.

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