A Keyword Story

Week 19 and baby is the size of a mango!

Cubed MangoMango
Sweet flavor
Still life

Can you believe that we’re basically half way through this pregnancy?! Hubby had a bit of panic attack when a friend pointed that out to him the other day. I mean technically, the baby can be born safely any time after week 37. We already know that, unless our baby decides to come really early, we will be welcoming him/her into the world between weeks 38-39. So, for us, we are definitely half way there! I will be having a scheduled C-section probably about a week or so before my due date, which means several things: One, we will know the exact date of the birth well in advance, not too much of a surprise. Two, we won’t be sitting around past my due date wondering when this baby is finally going to show up (you know what I’m talking about Shauna). Three, we are hopefully choosing the safest possible birth option for our own circumstances.

I always thought that when we finally had children, I would of course try to have them more naturally. Heck, at one point, I was interested in water birthing. But things changed after dealing with my uterine fibroid issues. In fact, I started this blog while I was recovering from my surgery and wrote all about my fibroid saga. Since then, I’ve been getting used to the idea that if I got pregnant, then a C-section would be the safest option for us. Trust me, it does take getting used to, especially when you’ve always had a particular vision of what you want your labor to be like. Of course, after going through some even more challenging times following the fibroid surgery, I came to realize that I would just be thankful to become pregnant. And now, the method in which that baby comes out, is less of a concern. We just want a healthy child and mom in the end, so that’s what we’re focusing on. For every couple that means different things. It is becoming a truly amazing experience among my friends, as we each have such widely different birth experiences. The full range, from completely natural (no drugs, birth-center scenario) to healthy hospital birth to scheduled c-section. Thank goodness for options!

Excited to see our little mango-sized baby at our next ultrasound on Monday. Still not sure if I’ve felt the baby move or not. I have felt the occasional flutter that people keep equating the baby movements to, but not sure if that’s truly the baby or just gas or something. I’m trying not to be too impatient about feeling the baby move, but I would love to feel more bonded with the baby than I am now. One day, soon, I’m sure…

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One thought on “A Keyword Story

  1. Still just SO EXCITED for you guys and for this little baby that is truly an answer to many prayers. You will be a beautiful mom. And, yes, I believe there would be quite the perks to knowing exactly when the child is going to come out rather than waiting an extra 12 days or so!!! As if you’re half way! Time flies and soon enough you’ll be holding a tiny new baby (who will make Simon…and even Sumerlee…look huge in comparison!). Keep up the great blog posts!!!


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