Adoption Journey

Adoption Journey ~ A different kind of motherhood ~ Blog by Bubblegum Sass


Adoption. A very powerful word. So many unknowns. So many scenarios.

Definitely walking entirely on faith through this. Not blind, but trying to get educated & full of love & acceptance. It’s going to push all my own boundaries and it’s going to take strength that I don’t have on my own. This I know.

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To All the Different Mamas

Motherhood Quote ~ Positive Mamas ~ Mom journey through grief & adoption ~ Blog by Bubblegum Sass

Love to all the mamas 💜

I continue to learn about the different kinds of mamas in the world. Those waiting to be mamas, those that have sacrificed their own motherhood to give their child life, the mamas to little angels they never got to meet. Motherhood journeys are vast & varied.

I recognize that Mother’s Day is not always happy. It can be really hard for some. There is sadness to that day for me. We buried my own mom two years ago, on May 12th. I miscarried for the finally time on Mother’s Day of that year. I said goodbye to any chance of having another biological child. I would never again be pregnant.

And I could not have gone through any of those experiences without all the other mamas in my life, supporting & loving on me.

And here we are, praying for some unknown mama to sacrifice her own motherhood so that we can give her child a life in our family. Adoption journeys come from a place of loss. I never want to forget that. The brave birth mom who chooses this path, will have all my heart & respect.

Motherhood. What a complicated & blessed thing.

Living With Essential Oils: Mama’s Perfume

Living with Essential Oils: Mama's Perfume ~ DIY Perfume with Young Living Oils


It’s kind of incredible how much of a “scent” person I have become. In some ways, I always have been. I’ve collected many scent memories from my childhood {my Grandma Rosie’s perfume, my mother’s hand cream, the Avon moisturizer we put on after sunburns each summer} and whenever I went on a big trip across the world, I purchased a new perfume to wear {just so that I would build a scent association}. Scents have the power to transport us back in time, make the here & now melt away, even if just for a few seconds.

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Basically Beautiful: Date Night

Basically Beautiful: Date Night ~ Basic makeup for busy moms ~ Natural & chemical free options


When busy moms finally get a babysitter lined up and a date with hubby all planned, it feels so good to take a few minutes to do a little something special for yourself. For me, that usually means, putting on makeup, which I rarely wear anymore. I previously shared my basic morning skin care routine. Now I’d like to show you some of the products that I treat myself to for date nights!

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Living With Essential Oils: Self Care Love

Living with Essential Oils: Self Care Love ~ Clary Sage, Dragon Time, Dreamcatcher ~ Diffuser recipe by Bubblegum Sass

Sometimes I diffuse certain essential oils because I want to enjoy a particular smell in the house. Other times I diffuse oils to serve a particular purpose. Much of the diffuser time at the beginning of January was spent on Thieves and Purification Oils, to help clear the house of all the icky germs that had taken up residence (hello, stomach flu & sneezy colds).

But one day, I realized I needed to get back to diffusing oils for self care (not just germ care). This is the recipe I came up with to help calm my mama anger & impatience and increase overall optimism. Let’s face it, we can get dragged down listening the the news reports, grow weary trying to see the good side to things, and then our patience gets tested over & over by those little ones who are trying to feel out boundaries. So ya, self care love in the diffuser is helpful to have going.

Self Care Love

  • 3 drops Dragon Time
  • 2 drops Clary Sage
  • 1 drop Dream Catcher

*That adorable essential oils pouch is from fellow maker Lesley of The Ellebee Tree. It’s perfect for packing some of your favourite oils for travel, weekends away or if you’re a hardcore oils mama, goes into your purse daily.

Happy diffusing!


One Bad Day

When Balancing Mamahood With Business,

Makes You Want to Quit


One Bad Day: When Balancing Mamahood With Business, Makes You Want to Quit ~ By Bubblegum Sass ~ Mompreneurs

I woke up this morning with 21 tasks on my to-do list. Some of them were tasks for my handmade business {it was going to be a work day}, some of them were tasks for “home”. Some were things I’d marked in red as “must do” and others were just chores that would be great to get done {especially since we’d been sick the week prior}, but if I had to shift them to another day, then I would.

By the end of the day, I had completed a grand total of three tasks. THREE.


Still Here

DIY Thread Savers by Bubblegum Sass

Just popping by to let you know that I am indeed alive. I think of my poor blog often and there is a long list of posts I would love to write & share with you. But it’s taking a lot of effort to get up each day. To face my sweet, but demanding three year old (and even more effort to face him when he’s miserable). To attempt a normal daily routine. To try and keep making things for customers. To maintain our household garden.
