Living With Essential Oils: Car Diffuser

Living with Essential Oils: Car Diffuser Tips ~ Young Living Oils


Oh yes, just when you thought you had added essential oils into all aspects of your life, you discover diffusers for your car! I started seeing these around more & more in the fall, and ordered a couple for Christmas gifts {and slipped one into my own stocking}. Even if you don’t have a diffuser in your home, these are a simple & fairly inexpensive way to incorporate essential oils into daily life.

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Living With Essential Oils: Creative Care

Living with Essential Oils: Creative Care ~ Diffuser recipe by Bubblegum Sass ~ Focused, Thoughtful, Creative ~ Everything you need to stay creative


Creative time for me can mean a lot of different things. It can be time spent doing product photos, making Love Catchers & Dreamcatchers for the shop, colouring in one of my many adult colouring books, or craft time with Sam. No matter what I’m doing with my creative time, it’s a part of my sanity-saving self care. Honestly, creative care is something we really value & encourage in our little family for each other. Which is why I decided it could use a complimentary oil diffuser recipe.

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Living With Essential Oils: Self Care Love

Living with Essential Oils: Self Care Love ~ Clary Sage, Dragon Time, Dreamcatcher ~ Diffuser recipe by Bubblegum Sass

Sometimes I diffuse certain essential oils because I want to enjoy a particular smell in the house. Other times I diffuse oils to serve a particular purpose. Much of the diffuser time at the beginning of January was spent on Thieves and Purification Oils, to help clear the house of all the icky germs that had taken up residence (hello, stomach flu & sneezy colds).

But one day, I realized I needed to get back to diffusing oils for self care (not just germ care). This is the recipe I came up with to help calm my mama anger & impatience and increase overall optimism. Let’s face it, we can get dragged down listening the the news reports, grow weary trying to see the good side to things, and then our patience gets tested over & over by those little ones who are trying to feel out boundaries. So ya, self care love in the diffuser is helpful to have going.

Self Care Love

  • 3 drops Dragon Time
  • 2 drops Clary Sage
  • 1 drop Dream Catcher

*That adorable essential oils pouch is from fellow maker Lesley of The Ellebee Tree. It’s perfect for packing some of your favourite oils for travel, weekends away or if you’re a hardcore oils mama, goes into your purse daily.

Happy diffusing!
